HDPE Poly Pipe Sizes Available in Australia
At Matrix Piping, you’ll find a massive range of HDPE piping available to suit your needs.
In Australia, HDPE Poly Pipe sizes are measured by the outside diameter of the pipe in millimeters. There

You will likely find the following simple HDPE Pipe Sizes Chart very useful, it gives ordering codes, outside and inside dimensions in millimeters for this diameter range. It also splits sizing up into 6m lengths and 12m lengths.
For a more detailed chart of available sizes, our Poly Pipe Dimension Chart provides a more complex and thorough look at all aspects of sizing and is very useful in providing pipe weights, wall thicknesses and diameters.
To request a quotation on your pipe requirements, please visit our HDPE Piping product
What Diameter of HDPE POLY Pipe Do I Need?

Depending on your particular requirement, you can generally work out which sizes of pipe you will need with a pipe size hydraulic design tool. Ideally, the best way long term is to
Download Poly Pipe Dimensions Chart
HDPE Pipe diameters and ratings
Size Diameter OD mm |
PE100 PN4 SDR41 ID mm |
PE100 PN6.3 SDR26 ID mm |
PE100 PN8 SDR21 ID mm |
PE100 PN10 SDR17 ID mm |
PE100 PN12.5 SDR13.6 ID mm |
PE100 PN16 SDR11 ID mm |
16 | - | - | - | - | 13.7 | 12.6 |
20 | - | - | - | 17.7 | 16.7 | 16.1 |
25 | - | - | - | 21.7 | 21.1 | 20.1 |
32 | - | - | 28.7 | 28.1 | 26.9 | 25.9 |
40 | - | 36.9 | 36.1 | 35.0 | 33.8 | 32.3 |
50 | - | 46.2 | 45.1 | 43.9 | 42.4 | 40.4 |
63 | - | 58.1 | 56.9 | 55.2 | 53.3 | 51.0 |
75 | - | 69.2 | 67.7 | 65.8 | 63.7 | 60.9 |
90 | 85.6 | 82.9 | 81.3 | 78.9 | 76.5 | 73.1 |
110 | 104.7 | 101.3 | 99.2 | 96.5 | 93.3 | 89.4 |
125 | 118.9 | 115.4 | 112.9 | 109.9 | 106.1 | 101.5 |
140 | 133.2 | 129.2 | 126.5 | 123.1 | 118.9 | 113.9 |
160 | 152.3 | 147.6 | 144.5 | 140.7 | 135.9 | 129.9 |
180 | 171.5 | 166.3 | 162.7 | 158.3 | 152.8 | 146.3 |
200 | 190.5 | 184.6 | 180.6 | 175.8 | 169.9 | 162.5 |
225 | 214.4 | 207.9 | 203.3 | 197.8 | 191.1 | 182.9 |
250 | 237.9 | 230.9 | 226.1 | 219.9 | 212.4 | 203.4 |
280 | 266.7 | 258.7 | 253.0 | 246.3 | 237.9 | 227.8 |
315 | 300.1 | 290.9 | 284.9 | 277.1 | 267.6 | 256.3 |
355 | 338.2 | 327.9 | 321.0 | 312.1 | 301.6 | 288.8 |
400 | 381.1 | 369.5 | 361.5 | 351.9 | 339.9 | 325.4 |
450 | 428.9 | 415.8 | 406.8 | 395.9 | 382.4 | 366.1 |
500 | 476.3 | 461.9 | 451.9 | 439.9 | 424.9 | 406.8 |
560 | 533.6 | 517.4 | 506.3 | 492.6 | 475.8 | 455.7 |
630 | 600.4 | 582.1 | 569.8 | 554.4 | 535.5 | 512.6 |
710 | 676.5 | 655.9 | 641.9 | 624.6 | 603.4 | 580.9 |
800 | 762.3 | 739.2 | 723.4 | 703.9 | 680.0 | 654.5 |
All internal diameters are based on averages
Polypipe sizes and manufacturing parameters in Australia are specified by AS/NZS4130:2009 and further guidelines are provided by PIPA. Need a quote or more information? Lodge your
You’ll find a handy guide outlining the HDPE pipe sizes we have available in Australia.
Poly (HDPE) pipe lengths vary according to size, however, generally sizes up to 110mm are available in 6
Matrix Piping

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Head Office:
5 Richards Rd Swan Hill Victoria 3585
Melbourne Despatch:
2 Richards Circuit, Keilor Park Victoria 3042
(by appointment only)